Let's have a round of applause for Mae Clair!
The floor's all yours Mae, take it away... Cats, Christmas, and Romance by Mae Clair It’s hard to believe that Christmas is upon us. I have no complaints though, because Christmas is my favorite holiday. Not only do I enjoy December 25 th and Christmas Eve, but I love the entire month of December. It’s like one long holiday with all the merriment, festivities, and spirit of goodwill that leads up to that very special day. I’m a Christmas sap. So it stands to reason I’d eventually get around to writing a Christmas story. Those who know me also know there are two things (other than writing) I’m passionate about: folklore and cats. When it came time to dream up a Christmas story, I decided to weave both elements into the tale. The result is FOOD FOR POE, a short Christmas novella that is also a tale of sweet romance, twined with the paranormal, and even a wee smidgen of horror (just a smidge, I promise!). Take a look: BLURB: ...